Saturday 28 December 2019

Outfit Repeater

Is there really anything worse than being an outfit repeater? Turning up at a party in a dress that you wore, dare I say it, to another party?
Well, yes, there obviously is. But it is hard to remember this sometimes when we live in such a throw away culture, with social media making it a sin to wear the same outfit twice, and brands constantly encouraging and tempting us to buy something new. I know that I have felt this way so many times before, second guessing what I was wearing to a party or an event simply because I knew that I had been seen in that outfit before, and I'm gong to be honest, more often than not I would give into this thought and make the order...
Fast fashion brands like Boohoo, Missguided, and Pretty Little Thing, make this all the more simple a trap to fall into with their ridiculously cheap clothes. It really is so easy to do, falling into the cycle of ordering something new, having it delivered straight to your door, ready for the party, for it to ultimately meet the same fate as the outfits which have gone before them, to live in the back of your wardrobe, never to be worn again...
Like I said, I have done this about a million times before, because it has become the norm, to do so, and I have never really second guessed this process before, but now, after doing this for several years, I've now been left with a wardrobe of clothes and I'm now in the process of trying to sell all of these sadly unloved, and once worn outfits, hopefully giving them a new lease of life!

Whilst I am currently trying to embrace my new life as an outfit repeater, I do sometimes find myself feeling a bit self conscious about it, worrying -irrationally- that people are judging me, for wearing something twice in one week. What I am wearing is clean, fresh, and in good condition so that isn't the issue, so what is? What is so wrong with wearing an outfit which you love and makes you feel good about yourself? Radiating confidence for all to see. And ultimately what I am trying to get at is that there is absolutely nothing wrong with this, and most likely nobody else really cares that you have worn the same outfit twice in one week, or that you decided to make that pink dress your go to party look!

So what I'm trying to say, in so many words, is don that outfit you wore only the other day because you felt great in it, and wear it with pride, as you adopt the title of 'Outfit Repeater'.

Monday 9 December 2019

Christmas Jumper Day, the Sustainable Way

Christmas jumpers have become a bit of a tradition over the past few years, firmly establishing themselves within British culture as a necessity of the festive period. This newly formed tradition however finds itself battling against the sustainability movement in that it is fundamentally marketed as being a one wear item. A recent investigation into the reality of Christmas jumpers and the impact that they are having upon the environment has wielded some quite shocking results.

The charity, Hubbub, has estimated that around 12 million Christmas jumpers will be bought this year, adding to the already 35 million already existing in the back of our wardrobes-or more likely landfill-from years gone by. These figures are quite shocking when we consider that these further 12 million are undoubtedly destined for the exact same fate as their predecessors.

So, what can we actually do, seeing as Christmas Jumper Day looms ever near? Obviously boycotting the whole tradition feels excessive and wholly unnecessary, especially when the day is to support the brilliant cause of, ‘Save the Children’. But still, we cannot do nothing in the age of sustainability!

Buy Second Hand

This is probably the most obvious choice, but with companies like Beyond Retro having an incredible selection of one of a kind, vintage Christmas jumpers you can’t really find fault with this choice. In addition to Beyond Retro, most charity shops at this time of year will have a whole section of their shop dedicated to such festive attire, allowing you to peruse at your leisure, ruling out the chances of buying the dreaded itchy jumper. In addition to these being a significantly more environmentally friendly option to a brand new Christmas jumper, they will undoubtedly be a lot cheaper than buying one new!

Buy with Longevity in Mind 

This is another great way to get involved with the day. Buy a Christmas jumper which you will be able to wear throughout the festive period and that will last year after year! Everyone has their own personal style, and what I would be able to wear on a day to day winter period will be different to the next person, so keep that in mind when choosing your, 'classic' Christmas jumper! There are loads of great companies out there which place a focus on sustainability, such as Joanie, who have a really lovely selection of jumpers!

Swap with Friends or Family

You most likely know at least one other person who owns a Christmas jumper, so this could be a great way to try something new, without it costing anything! This is a particularly good trick if you only plan on wearing the jumper for that one day! 

So I hope that this has been a helpful guide for you and I would love to know if you have any tips for enjoying Christmas Jumper Day the sustainable way!

Thursday 5 December 2019

Conscious Christmas Shopping

So sale season is here and discounts, bargains, and consumerism is in full force. Offers pulling you in with promises of 'Must Have' items as fabulous prices that you would be mad to miss. Things that you probably wouldn't even look at if there wasn't that ever so enticing 20% off tag attached. The temptation is real right now, so, how do you actually navigate the festive period without buying everything in sight?

As a somewhat reformed shopoholic, I am going to share my top tips!

Did you want it at full price?

It's a simple question to start with, did you actually like or even want it whilst it was full price? If you did, then that is brilliant because who doesn't love saving a bit of money on something they really want, but unfortunately in these situations, it is more often the case that you are more excited about the discount than the item. I don't know how many times I have bought something a bit odd, not quite me, and often a little strange, for the simple reason that it was on sale or offer. Don't get me wrong, sometimes something being on offer is a great way to get out of your comfort zone and try something new, but I think it is mostly just being a bit more conscious of your purchase and just taking that moment to acknowledge the reason that you are buying it.

Seven Day Rule

Are you going to wear it in the next seven days? More often than not, if you buy something new which you really love, you will end up wearing it within seven days of purchase with the caveat of it being bought it for a specific event.
So, next time you buy something, remember to check a week later to see if you have actually worn it or if it is still sitting in the bag looking quite sad.

Could you find it on Depop/Ebay?

I've recently taken to doing this! Whenever I see something in store that I really want, I have a quick search on Depop and Ebay to see if I can get it second hand. This trick obviously doesn't work every time, and especially with new in or super popular items, but sometimes you can find yourself an amazing bargain whilst shopping sustainably, and helping out someone else who may need a bit of cash! Plus, who knows, you may even find it new with tags!

Do you really need it?

This is the big question. We can all be creatures of habit, buying the same thing when we already have several identical items in our wardrobe. I know that I'm guilty of this, particularly in regards to mid wash blue jeans... but sometimes all it takes is a few seconds to consider whether we really need to buy it, and whether it is the discount that you are more excited about! Apply the same 'Do I need it' mentality to sale items as you would with full price!

So I hope that these tips have been helpful and I would love to hear if you have any tips for navigating the festive season! 

Corona and Toxic Productivity

I promised myself that I wasn't going to write about corona, because that really isn't what this blog is about, but with something t...